These majors highlight the grand conceptual goal that students can create new 21st-century music through Western classical music, Eastern traditional music, and pop and jazz music. The Applied Music Major emphasizes the popular and practical appeal of music while focusing on academic subjects and studies to promote pioneering yet free and challenging musical experiments and musical activities within the boundary of subject studies. Students enrolled in these major courses study comprehensive music and cultivate professional skills and musical experiences in order to build their unique world of music.
After graduation, students can pursue careers in music industries and performing arts in both traditional and cutting-edge cultural sectors as composers, professional instrument performers, instructors or professors, producers in broadcasting companies, employees of music management firms, record producers, jazz musicians, musical or opera actors, commercial music or multimedia coordinators, sound designers, OST producers for films, dramas, and documentaries, music producers or coordinators, sound engineers, and more. To implement this goal, the department provides the students who are taking subjects that are professionally utilized with new course studies, including one-on-one private lessons with experts. The department also actively supports enrolled students through off-campus and on-site activities to maximize realistic applications and adaptabilities of the course subject.